Do you feel like you're in a season where you’re going through the motions?
Maybe your business isn’t lighting you up like it used to. In fact, maybe you're even feeling burnout because of it or resentment towards it.
I find that we as founders tend to get in the weeds in seasons and rightfully so. You're most likely wearing ALL the hats when you're building your business and sometimes, in doing so, it pulls us out of the role we originated from – the founder and visionary.
We slowly become the operator. Stuck in the day to day grind, looking left and right outside of ourselves to see what the next trend should be that we follow or what offer makes the most sense to create within our industries…
But we're missing a crucial aspect here.
The foundation on which you built your business isn’t something you can find outside of yourself.
It’s time we get back to the root of it all, remind you of why you started, and realign yourself to trust your intuition in the process so that you can build a business that feels really freaking good.
Today I want to dive into coming back to who YOU are as a founder.
It’s time to realign! And I’m all about taking action as we realign so be sure to download the workbook that walks you through the following HERE!
Your values are your compass and the filter of which you make decisions that keep you in alignment with what matters most to you. As a founder you may have laid out your company’s values in the beginning of building your business, however I always encourage touching base with yourself to see if your values still align with the direction in which you're taking your business and the evolution that has unfolded.
Take a moment to lay out 5 keywords or phrases that speak to what you stand for, what experience you provide, and what you believe in as a company.
If you're having trouble knowing where to start, use the list of values sheet and write out the words that stick out, narrow it down to 5, and write out what this value means to you and how you plan to embody it as a founder and business owner.
Right now, you may feel like you are doing ALL the right things and yet your efforts aren't creating more money for your business. Today that changes! Our free 90-day profit planner has helped hundreds of creative entrepreneurs transform their income goals into an actualization strategy since 2019.
If you're feeling disconnected and frustrated with your business that tells me you may be disconnected from your overall vision. In other words... Your why. While your values are your compass, your vision is what drives the ship. It is the legacy in which you are actively creating. And if you're going through the motions without connecting to this vision you may be feeling out of alignment. When was the last time you gave yourself the space to dream? To connect to why you're doing the work you're doing? Your vision is the fuel on those days where you may want to throw in the towel. Your vision is a reminder of the impact you desire to create. How often are you spending time with that vision?
Take a moment to journal on these 3 areas. The intersection of them all creates the vision for you and your company.
Your values are solid. Your vision is clear. So what do your actions say about that? It’s one thing to have clarity on your vision and values but we embody them through our actions. What are you saying yes to that may not align? What are you creating that's coming from a place of “I should” vs it being aligned with the above. Your actions speak to what you're truly valuing, and it's important to make sure we're checking in internally to align with how we're showing up on the day to day.
Action Audit time! Lay out the tasks and actions that consume your day to day and ask yourself if they're currently aligned with your vision and values. If not, can they be automated, delegated, or eliminated all together? As they say, actions speak louder than words!
I had one of the most profound realizations the other morning when feeling fear about an area of my business. I sat in stillness and suddenly the question came to mind... "How does my higher self feel about this? What does she believe to be true?”
Suddenly I was aligned with myself at the level I want to lead from and create from. We as founders sometimes look externally for the answers when in reality the answers for you and your company come from within.
If you imagined your highest self, what would she say about the questions you have on the day to day? Are you leaving space to connect with her?
Take 10 minutes a day to sit in stillness, ask yourself what emotions or fears are present, and then take a moment to tap into the higher self you envision. What does she have to say about what you're currently feeling, creating, navigating? What does she believe to be true? YOU are wiser than you realize. You just need to give yourself the opportunity to show up for you!
In closing I want to remind you that you have everything within you to create and build a successful company. Sometimes we just need to take space to check back in to make sure we're moving in the direction that feels most supportive.
You’ve got this, my friend! I can’t wait to watch the aligned impact you have on your community!
Haley Thomas is the founder of The Passion Pursuit, a company that strategizes with multi-passionate creatives to build a brand and a life they are obsessed with. She firmly believes in creating a business that aligns with the lifestyle her clients desire to create. She works with clients from group workshops to 1:1 coaching. When she's not helping others pursue their passions she is snuggling with her cats, spending time with her husband, traveling the world, and teaching hot yoga classes!